Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19, 2008 Weather: Snow Storm and Rain

The snow started falling around 10-1030 A, and it steadily dropped not only in Jersey City but in the entire New Jersey. Almost the entire Tri-State area was blanketed with snow, the first major storm of the season. How deep was the snow? The deepest was recorded in Sparta, NJ with 7.5" of snow. In Newark, NJ, the accumulation was 4.4", while here in Jersey City, it looked like we had 3.5" to 4" of snow.

In the late afternoon, though, the snow fall turned into rain, which lessen the accumulation in Jersey City. The rain temporarily stopped around 8PM, although there was a light freezing rain weather forecast. The temperature dropped as well.

Here's a snap of McGinley Square area -- Glenwood Avenue and Bergen Avenue:

More snow pictures from other parts of Jersey City: Snow in Heights; Snow in Journal Square.